COVID-19: Infection Control Tips

If you are reading this there is a high probability that you will contract COVID-19 and recover, but please consider the elderly and immunocompromised for whom recovery will be a struggle, possibly deadly. I’m hearing of more severe cases in the younger population so everyone needs to be taking this seriously and being precautions. I’m concerned the UK is not taking enough action and people are not taking preventative steps to stop the rate of infection.

The Wu Tang Clan came out with some tips:

Here are my tips:

– Going to the shops to hoard toilet paper is exposing you to large crowds and more possibility of infection, stay at home! You could also be asymptomatic and putting others at risk without knowing it.
– Wearing glasses instead of contact lenses will reduce the amount you rub your eyes less and reduce the chance of contact transmission through your eyes (wipe down your glasses)
– Use wireless payment when you can to reduce contact via exchanging cash (wipe down your phone)
– Keep your distance! I’m still getting people walking really close to me if I’m outside, so shop out of hours. – Do not feel weird about wearing your mask! It’s not only for your protection but also for others. Wear it at all points of your journey not just when you get to your destination. I have a FFP2 NRD mask here.
– Touchscreens in the supermarket, traffic lights and manual doors require contact, use hand sanitiser afterwards or wear gloves when you are out.
– If you are wearing gloves don’t touch your face, your phone or your clothing and remove them before you enter your house. Always wash your hands when you get home before you touch anything.
– Disinfect door handles on a regular basis, esp your front door.
– Do not make fun of people wearing masks and gloves, this is a serious situation and people are scared.
– Be cautious of fake products on sale and schemes, you cannot buy the test online and there currently is no vaccine.
– You don’t need hand sanitiser, thoroughly washing your hands with soap will do the trick. Follow the Wu guide.


About Faizah H 51 Articles
Faizah Haider, MSc, is an emerging author, humanitarian, traveller, and scientist whose compassion and volunteerism have both earned her the reputation as a service-centred leader. Above all else, she is an advocate of positive change and global citizen with a lifelong vision to awaken people to the infinite power of solidarity and a truly open mind. Furthermore, she is of the belief that while cultures from around the world can be distinct, an underlying thread binds us all: our humanity. To find out more about this strong-willed Palestinian activist and Hip-Hop intellectual welcome to her official blog.